Link to a description of the North West River Beach Festival, 2017

North West River Beach Festival, 2016

Miawpukek Powwow 2015

North West River Beach Festival, 2015

Bay St. George Live, 2015

North West River Beach Festival, 2014

North West River Beach Festival, 2013

North West River Beach Festival, 2012

Flat Bay Radio, 2012

St. Georges, Flat Bay -St. Teresa's Youth Organization 2003

Calvin White Podcast

YouTube Videos

Link to a description of the OST course, Newcastle, Australia, April, 2019

Click for a PDF of the OST course description

In 2003 Merrelyn, Serge and Chris introduced community groups in Newfoundland and Labrador to the practice of Community Search Conference. Link here to the Enlarging the Circle website.

Network 18 - Positive about Rural.

Our participatory communications events always happen in public spaces. All the Voices.

Participatory media depends on volunteers.

Links to Newfoundland and Labrador Community Media
and Ryakuga Collaborative Special Events: